donderdag 7 april 2011

7.4 Miyagi-ken

yesterday a nice earth quake again..
I was in my apartment and the building was shaking for 1 min..

everything o.k.
I hope not this is a prelude of a other big one ..
today it is very stormy, so the building is shaking also now ..

Hope I will not get sea sick

zondag 3 april 2011

looks to go better

it looks to go better now in tokyo,
water is still difficult to get but the rest is now coming back in the stores.

Also I am shopping in Chiba at mega donkey, I buy there big , so I don't have to shop much in minamisenju

I am going to school and the weather is a little better.
I married the March 26, and picked up the rings Friday

So I and Eimi are doing well ..
but we keep looking at the news.