donderdag 31 mei 2012

The moon and the sky tree

my first try of filming the moon

woensdag 30 mei 2012

running at arakawa (river)

I run a lot at Arakawa here a video of the sky tree and the river

maandag 28 mei 2012

study some Android programming

I started today with learning more about making android software
So i couldn't update the blog yet, I am now finished with my session of android and will continue now to study Japanese if I am finish with it I will do some blogging and continue to study android development.

This is a nice site to learn android programming for free

zaterdag 26 mei 2012

Saturday morning Akiba

Saturday morning Akiba , there are not many people but if there are they are allreay staning in line for the shops to open..

there was also The MegaHobby2012 event at UDX

Also the new Battleship Yamoto Blue ray will released soon

and I went to many other places later more videos and photos of akiba
also a nice sky tree photo I made during running along the arakawa (river)

donderdag 24 mei 2012

new blogs..

I have started a new blog about Akihabara and will start two other blogs that are about Anime and Manga ... later I will start a blog about astronomy and weather for my photos of the sun spots I am planning to make,  stars and weather photos , hope to get some nice lighting this year and other nice photos
Also I will do some blogging about building houses in japan and about gardening (vegetables) in japan.

I think it is better to make some more blogs else this blog will be full of all kind of information ..

So I am busy , I will add the other blog at the right side of this blog ....
The Tokyocoins will be created later ..

woensdag 23 mei 2012

New video Tokyo Sky Tree

It is still cloudy but during the day the temperature is higher and the sun is nice and strong ..

dinsdag 22 mei 2012

photos from yesterday from the eclipse

Sky tree opened ! and lights up !!

Video of the tower just after the opening it was very cloudy so I needed to switch to another lens for my camera . 

It was opened at 10:00 this morning and the complete day it was raining first the tower was blue later it switched to purple..

above a picture of the tower at 19:07 and some posters in the metro, made the photo today after traveling .

maandag 21 mei 2012

Tokyo Sky Tree

Today is it 15c so a little cold and rainy , this morning people where already waiting for more as 3 hours to enter the Tokyo Sky Tree, it will open at 10:00 in 10 min .. 
As you can see it is not very good weather in Tokyo .. Lets hope later today the weather will be better , also I will place more eclipse photos on the blog and load up more video..

The eclipse

here are two nice photos of many I just came home and wanted to share these photo with you !!
Tomorrow more will follow !!

zondag 20 mei 2012


I have made some photo and they look to be o.k. but at the moment i can put them on my blob because i have not a card reader at hand .. so photos will follow soon