zaterdag 18 juni 2016

at the moment I am renovating my farm stuff you can follow my work here

already got a 55 kilo of potatos and some kilo's of union's

after the renovation I will have a better work space in the vinly house and the I can start on my automatisation. 

zaterdag 10 oktober 2015

This week-end is a 3 day weekend , because of a vacation on monday.
so I am placing some extra electrical boxes in my vinly house , now I use extend cords will replace them with permanent solution  , I already have normal eclectic power from the house now I will extent the solar power form one green house to the vinly house
I tested the ventilator this summer and it looks like it can run almost the complete day when it is sunny ..

also I want to buy more solar panels .. so need some more infa structure for this and need to add some battery to my battery pack ..
later some photos ..

also making some stuff for the camping car ..

vrijdag 9 oktober 2015

After a long time I am back again

my absent was due because I started to work again in Tokyo and I needed to travel a long way there .
I have moved to the country-side in Japan and now work for Rakuten.

Also I am very busy to grow veggies at my place , the reason why we move to the country side.
The job is and was unexpected because I assumed that I would keep on farming ..
But because the job is nice and the people and company, my plan is to keep on working ..
But because I also have a farm now Time is scarce.

So I will drop a line ones in a while for the people that look at this blog ..
I will write less about Otaku stuff , but hope the write more other stuff about Japan and my adventures.

I have now also 2 dogs .. that are our kids ...

more later ... 

zondag 3 juni 2012

Tokyo Full Moon

here two pictures one with a 20d and the other with 5d eos canon

donderdag 31 mei 2012

The moon and the sky tree

my first try of filming the moon

woensdag 30 mei 2012

running at arakawa (river)

I run a lot at Arakawa here a video of the sky tree and the river