dinsdag 31 maart 2009

First work day



◎ ヘンリ・F・ファン・マーセフェインさん(Henri F. van Maarseveen)

グローバルカスタマーサポート本部、 東京サポートセンター、 シニア サポートエンジンジア

That is how the day started ...
Yes its Japanese all the way..

Here I also need to get some stuff done priority one is the alien registration card..
But I will look for housing first...

I will buy first a micro sd card for my phone..so I can place the phones I toke with it on the blog.. so I will visit akihabara soon

3e day in Japan

The internet was down yesterday so that is why there where no messages..
I went to the office and got my work place ready..

Today is my last day off so I need to do some stuff to survive the coming day's

I went to big camera to buy a pillow. my bed here in the weekly mansion has only a small pillow also bought soap,water and toilet stuff..
Also walked in Ginza for some time and had a meal there.

By boxes and stuff from the office arrived, at the Japanese office.
I also have a japanese phone but need to buy a mini sd card so I can put the photo's on the blog, that I made with this phone, also my laptop and cube is ready, so i hope to get the boxes to my hotel and unpack a little.

I will need to get the "feeling" to be at home here, but I think this will happen when I have a place of my own, here at the hotel you don't get that feeling of getting home..
So I hope to look for a new home if I have my "alien registration card"

I will go out eating with people but that will be not every day, so I need to find my own restaurants and places I like.

Today I will go to bed early so I will be o.k. on my first official workday tomorrow.
maybe I will go to a Starbucks and drink something..

zondag 29 maart 2009

In japan

Hi I am save in Japan : )

Had to set up my laptop at the hotel..

so now I can blog again..
yesterday I had some jet lag but today I was fine ..

will go to the office tomorrow and pick up my phone, also need to look at the metro/trains how to travel the best ..

at the moment I stay at nihonbaschi, it is nice here.

so to my friends at home I am o.k. ..
I hope to place some photo's later...

vrijdag 27 maart 2009

Last day at work, look at my Naruto Ninja Teddy bear..

dinsdag 24 maart 2009

have my work visa

After a trip of 5 hours and more to Den Haag I have my work visa !!

I directly book the airplane ticket for Friday and my boss approved also today
Also had a nice "farewell drink" but I will be at the office next week and will look up people at the office to say goodbye..

So I am ready to go!!

maandag 23 maart 2009

CoE arrived

Will keep this messages small..
Have done a lot today went to Den Haag today and will pickup my stuff tomorrow.
There was a train incident so that made it hard to travel, but I made it just in time at the embassy..

then later today I went out eating ..

So it was a full day, it started with sending 40 kilos of books to japan..

I hope tomorrow I can pick up my passport with work visa and book my air ticket...

need some sleep ...

will place some photos later at this posting..

zondag 22 maart 2009

Busy day placed new shower and eaten with friend and family

Group photo at Utrecht CS

Also placed douche

Begin cleaning house.

Alread done a lote only the last stuff, takes the longest.
Have taken some phones, in a while some friends will help me cleaning it all.
Hope it will look beter then : )

zaterdag 21 maart 2009

When out eating with the people of my flat

Had a nice evening with the people of my building, we went eating in van der valk at Vianen, I also invited the new owner of my appartment, so I could introduce him to the other people.

So we had a nice dinner.

Durimg the day my brother help me with bringing stuff away to the dump..

Now I need the do some stuff at home, so I will leave it neat behind.
Tomorrow I will go again out eating with my anime friend but then I will take some photo's

will go to bed..

vrijdag 20 maart 2009

Last group photo of the dutch team

Today last day at the office : (((

Will visit next week the office to pick up the CoE (was problem with the delevery address luckly I saw the mistake)

Cleaning up my cube.

Just to load up my energy for the following day I did yesterday nothing.
A friend (Erik) visited me and we spoke about Japan.

today I will clean up my desk at work and after work will give some stuff the college's..
Here a photo of the infa office in the winter in the netherlands.

In the weekend I plan to empty my appartment.

donderdag 19 maart 2009

CoE is ready

Hi good new the CoE is ready, now it will be send to the Netherlands.
I hope it will be at the office on Monday, so I can try to get work visa also on Monday or the next day, need to go to Den Haag.

So I am one step closer to Japan.

: )

woensdag 18 maart 2009

another day cleaning up

Yesterday I was still busy in my house in Nieuwegein.

But now it is look good that I will be ready end of next week.

Will make some photos from my appartement.

dinsdag 17 maart 2009


Gisteren weer wat opgeruimd, moet nog heel wat doen.
Ik wacht nu nog steeds op de CoE uit Japan, hopen dat deze begin volgende week komt.

Ben nu op het werk dingen aan het opruimen.. emaile en files die ik mee wil nemen.

nog deze week officeel werken en dan ben ik vrij, maar waarschijnlijk zal ik smiddag gewoon naar het werk gaan.

maandag 16 maart 2009

Creatie Blog

I have the news now that the CoE will arrive next week. So I plan to go to Japan before the start of April the first