dinsdag 31 maart 2009

3e day in Japan

The internet was down yesterday so that is why there where no messages..
I went to the office and got my work place ready..

Today is my last day off so I need to do some stuff to survive the coming day's

I went to big camera to buy a pillow. my bed here in the weekly mansion has only a small pillow also bought soap,water and toilet stuff..
Also walked in Ginza for some time and had a meal there.

By boxes and stuff from the office arrived, at the Japanese office.
I also have a japanese phone but need to buy a mini sd card so I can put the photo's on the blog, that I made with this phone, also my laptop and cube is ready, so i hope to get the boxes to my hotel and unpack a little.

I will need to get the "feeling" to be at home here, but I think this will happen when I have a place of my own, here at the hotel you don't get that feeling of getting home..
So I hope to look for a new home if I have my "alien registration card"

I will go out eating with people but that will be not every day, so I need to find my own restaurants and places I like.

Today I will go to bed early so I will be o.k. on my first official workday tomorrow.
maybe I will go to a Starbucks and drink something..

1 opmerking:

  1. A hotel can never replace your own place, hope you find something decent soon.
    Glad to hear your things have arrived. Don't forget to post some more photo's of the area when you get the sd-card.... :)
