dinsdag 6 april 2010

New plans ...

I listened today to a radio show coast to coast AM, yes it is about strange things.
look it up at youtube..

But there was a interview with a guy about "what if you only have one year to live".
It was a talk that you can do what you want if you set you mind to it.

The guy lost 40 ponds in 1 year just by walking and eating halve the meal and drinking lots of water.. What he was telling is true.
So because I also get to fat, I will also start walking every day 1 hour.
I also will use this time to do some japanese lessons.

So I also can use this walk to explore Tokyo and take some photos.
I just need to be active again, it was a big accomplishment to get here to Japan, and now after one year I am a little settled but now the problem what is next..

First I will get in shape by walking and then get more friends...

Also work harder on my Japanese.. but at the moment it is going o.k. : )

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