zondag 5 juni 2011

trip to mito.

I went to mito last weekend.
Also look at the radiation there and on the way to Mito from Tokyo.
In Mito it was almost the same as in Tokyo (0.07-0.14)but sometimes the meter went to 0.20 in the car while driving to Mito but in Mito it went back to 0.16.
When went we went back we stopped at Moriya to get some coffee there the meter went very high almost to 0.3 what is the alarm setting for Chernobyl.
I loved the hellokity vending machine there, there was also a shopping mall and inside the radiation was between 12 and 14 so there was something in the air there later, we looked for beta radiation in Chiba and we found a very low value on the top soil.. in the ground and in the air there was no beta radiation ..
so wash the veggies good and there is no problem.

the findings show that there is a impact far away for fukashima but the radiation doesn't lineare increase but there are sometimes place where the radiation is higher radiation, and it looks not to be background radiation (it is in the air).

so there is a problem in Japan and i assume the radiation value will be higher closer to the side..

1 opmerking:

  1. 0.26 that is actually very high. If you know that 1 millisievert of radiation per year, the nonbonding limit is set by the education ministry for kids. Tokyo also seems to be higher than 1 millisievert in some regions already.
