zondag 7 juni 2009

Getting warmer


My last piece furniture has arrived. Still need an eating table and chairs, but now I can sit and look TV, I also bought a new PC japanese. Had to many problems with other PC`s
This weekend also a college from work visited me, he likes my place and we watched MR Brain and eat some traditional japanese food at a restaurant near by

Also I can now relax some more at house can fall a sleep on my sofa in front of my TV, need to organize a home warming party one of these days..
Still need to buy stuff, you find out what you are missing if you need it ..

Also its getting warmer here, yesterday was really hot. The day before was colder and wet. Weather looks like in the Netherlands but here its doesn't cool down at night, it stays the same temperature as during the day.

I don't do much at the weekends at the moment only watch TV and wait until stuff is delivered, next week a fire inspection at my apartment .. so will stay at home again.. but now have a PC and can relax.

Still need to buy more furniture will look at it at 2/3 weeks time.
Also this weekend it was 1 year ago the accident happened at Akiba.
I hope they will make it possible to walk on the streets again in the near future..

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