maandag 1 juni 2009

Dutch cooking in Tokyo

Hi I am buying some cook stuff so I can cook at home.

It is really not cheaper but it is nice to eat some other stuff that the japanese meals, so yesterday I made some dutch food... had to look for it for 1 hour in the supermarket and had to ask where the ingredients where..
But I could made something ; )

So I will cook more but need to my more cooking stuff first...

Also yesterday was the beginning of the summer (school uniforms); ) and June 8 the rain session will start.. never visited Japan at the rain session so this will be a surprise for me.
this weekend my future (bank)will be arriving, so I can watch in a normal way TV.

1 opmerking:

  1. This reminds me of when I tried to cook some Dutch meals when I was in America for a while.
    Had to look hard for the ingredients and also was annoyed that buying just 2 pieces of chicken filet costs more expensive than buying 12 pieces (which i didn't need)

    The last problem, you probably wont have in Japan, but still having been in Japanese supermarkets before I understand your difficulties.
