maandag 25 mei 2009

Ginza walk

Hi I was again walking to the Citibank to get some money from my dutch account and I saw that the road of Ginza was blocked for traffic and that a lot of people walked on the street.
I will post some pictures later.
I also heard on my work that they don't do this any more at Akiba, because some months ago a crazy guy drove with a car in to the public (killing people )and when he wrecked his car he start killing people when he was out of the car .. This makes me remembers what happened this year in The Netherlands at queens day..

So i had a nice walk an made some really nice pictures of cause you camera battery always run out at these moments ; )

I am also looking to buy some pots and pans, I found a store where I can buy dutch stuff, like chocolate for on you bread.. yumi!!. also jam and cheese but they also had lot of wine. but still didn't buy any pans to cook my self.
So I will buy bread and buy these products.
Also I will look into nabe なべ this is a stove pot... normal eaten in winter but it is easy to make. I saw it on television and I liked it ..

Also bought IronMan on BR at yodabashi to look how good the player is.
Also made a point card these are very handy and only people living in japan can have them, you get 10% or more of your money spend as point on this card and this is like money you can spend at the store, I already have 3 point cards from different stores.

And I bought my Sony Cybershot from these points, I used the point card of a friend とまだし because I didn't had an alien registration card then.

Yesterday I was early up because of work need to be at 6:00 at office, so was awake at 4.45, went home 17:00 shopped and eaten some and worked from home until 21:00 looked at a japanese game program and went to bed at 22:00 this morning I was a wake at 5:00 but went out my bed at 6.45 and went to work , was there at 7.45. avoiding the metro traffic busy hours, it is not nice to be at Akiba station between 8:00 and 9:00 to many people ..

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