zondag 10 mei 2009

More news about my apartment

This weekend the electric stuff came so I have a washing machine dryer, and did some washing and it is very good..
my LCD arrived and also my fridge and magnetron and water cooker.

Only my bench (6/6 arrive)and other furniture must still arrive and I also need to by some more stuff, a table for eating and some cabinets to put my clothing into.

So still busy looking at stuff for the apartment.
also my dutch laptop crashed yesterday : ((
hope to get it working again.. soon else I need to get my server up and running.
But then I need to buy a screen and other stuff.

So it looks good and I hope that I have all my stuff after 6/6

Also need to pick up my alien registration card this week and also open a Japanese bank account.

I had a lot of help from Yoko and Alex and even my manager Hori-san, helping me with the apartment, without them it would e very difficult.

I also need to look at the tv station now I have the standard 24 channels need to look if I can extend it with sky perfect then I will have more channels (jpop and anime and movies)

So still a lot to do but now it is a little more my home, also this week I hope to get my last curtain, I only got one for my big window but Yoko order the other also some time ago.

That is all about my apartment later I will post some pictures.
Will make them with my Canon need a wide angle lens ...

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