woensdag 6 mei 2009

Golden week

Hi, today I am again on my work, didn't got the last two days free of the golden week, want to do some stuff here at the office and need some information.
Also will take some boxes with me the next two day`s hope it will be not so busy in the trains and metro`s.

So what did I do the last 5 day`s?
First I spend some time at my apartment and get all the illness out of my system, (I hope)I feel some better now.
Then I looked up my brother and went to Ueno park. so it was good to see him again and his wife. Most of the time I spent home looking at some TV series (Heroes, House, NCSI Criminal Minds,etc) But I also went out with Alex getting some stuff for my apartment, the most will be delivered at Saturday, and one piece on Sunday, then next month some other stuff will arrive. So it will take some months to get it all.
But I will have the important stuff this weekend.

Then next week I need to pick up my Alien Registration Card.
And need to open a Japanese bank account, after this I need to automatically pay the apartment and the utility bills, then I will have no worries for the next weeks any more, until something else pops up.

So I used the golden week to rest and do some shopping for my apartment.
Still I need to adjust to Japan, it is so different the weather, the work, the living everything.
But I don't regret the step I made coming to Japan, I still cant enjoy the fact that I am now living in Japan but that will come soon I hope, in the next months.

Also need to start with Japanese lessons soon this will make also living easier.

I will attach some photos later, yes i have a new camera, a small one so I can take it with me more often.

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