maandag 25 mei 2009

Ginza walk

Hi I was again walking to the Citibank to get some money from my dutch account and I saw that the road of Ginza was blocked for traffic and that a lot of people walked on the street.
I will post some pictures later.
I also heard on my work that they don't do this any more at Akiba, because some months ago a crazy guy drove with a car in to the public (killing people )and when he wrecked his car he start killing people when he was out of the car .. This makes me remembers what happened this year in The Netherlands at queens day..

So i had a nice walk an made some really nice pictures of cause you camera battery always run out at these moments ; )

I am also looking to buy some pots and pans, I found a store where I can buy dutch stuff, like chocolate for on you bread.. yumi!!. also jam and cheese but they also had lot of wine. but still didn't buy any pans to cook my self.
So I will buy bread and buy these products.
Also I will look into nabe なべ this is a stove pot... normal eaten in winter but it is easy to make. I saw it on television and I liked it ..

Also bought IronMan on BR at yodabashi to look how good the player is.
Also made a point card these are very handy and only people living in japan can have them, you get 10% or more of your money spend as point on this card and this is like money you can spend at the store, I already have 3 point cards from different stores.

And I bought my Sony Cybershot from these points, I used the point card of a friend とまだし because I didn't had an alien registration card then.

Yesterday I was early up because of work need to be at 6:00 at office, so was awake at 4.45, went home 17:00 shopped and eaten some and worked from home until 21:00 looked at a japanese game program and went to bed at 22:00 this morning I was a wake at 5:00 but went out my bed at 6.45 and went to work , was there at 7.45. avoiding the metro traffic busy hours, it is not nice to be at Akiba station between 8:00 and 9:00 to many people ..

zaterdag 23 mei 2009

Mr Brain TBS Jdrama

here the new JDRAMA MR BRAIN with Kimura Takuya

"Tsukumo Ryusuke is neuroscientist working for the National Research Institute of Police Science (part of the National Police Agency). He is generally incapable of reading the atmosphere of a situation, but when it comes to science, he is well respected. Whenever something catches his interest, he thoroughly sticks to it and never gives up, chasing down the criminals with certainty."

so he is not social and a little strange he has a pet mouse at his office..
I am now looking at the first episode I think this will be a very big hit Jdrama here in Japan ....

dinsdag 19 mei 2009

Ralph Kimball

I went to a speech of Ralph Kimball about datawarehouses.

dinsdag 12 mei 2009

Dutch Laptop broke down


yes no working computer at home, will take my laptop from work home.
need to reinstall the software again an ran against some problems .. windows grrr

so yesterday I was on aniway forum and talk a bit with Riona-chan (she will visit tokyo in Juli) .. she likes shoping so that gave me the Idea to go to Ginza at 20:00 I walk from my home it is a 40 minute walk and it was 24 degrees outside so it was nice to see Ginza at night, made some nice photos still not forgot how to take them : ). But I need to get my skills up, I hope to visit Koda Kumi end of the month and also try to make some photos there.

i will attache the photos later..

zondag 10 mei 2009

Geisha evening at Nihonbashi,

Went to a Geisha evening at Nihonbashi, there we meet some people and one of the people was Fiona Graham (Sayuki), she was there just to visit first photo she is sitting in the middle.
More info on her

She is the first real western Geisha she comes from Australia and came to japan when she was 15. We went after the preforments to a bar to drinks something.

I was also ask on stage to play a game with the geisha`s playing darts with fans, they where very surprised how good I was..
Later the Geisha's visited our tables and could talk with them..
Was a very good dinner and drunk a lot of sake

Festival at akiba

With luck I saw this went I was traveling to shibuya. so I followed the procession true Akiba, was a nice thing and it was nice weather..
also nice photo`s, will add later a move to it.

More news about my apartment

This weekend the electric stuff came so I have a washing machine dryer, and did some washing and it is very good..
my LCD arrived and also my fridge and magnetron and water cooker.

Only my bench (6/6 arrive)and other furniture must still arrive and I also need to by some more stuff, a table for eating and some cabinets to put my clothing into.

So still busy looking at stuff for the apartment.
also my dutch laptop crashed yesterday : ((
hope to get it working again.. soon else I need to get my server up and running.
But then I need to buy a screen and other stuff.

So it looks good and I hope that I have all my stuff after 6/6

Also need to pick up my alien registration card this week and also open a Japanese bank account.

I had a lot of help from Yoko and Alex and even my manager Hori-san, helping me with the apartment, without them it would e very difficult.

I also need to look at the tv station now I have the standard 24 channels need to look if I can extend it with sky perfect then I will have more channels (jpop and anime and movies)

So still a lot to do but now it is a little more my home, also this week I hope to get my last curtain, I only got one for my big window but Yoko order the other also some time ago.

That is all about my apartment later I will post some pictures.
Will make them with my Canon need a wide angle lens ...

busy day`s

pictures say more that words..
here some foto`s of my brother and his wife follow them on;

Also some pictures of Yoko Alex and Liam.

And then some photos of Saturday went to akiba festival also look at a live concert and later in the evening I went to a Geisha party.

also met there the first western Geisha. later we went drinking some where else, I drunk to much sake and was very drunk .. but had a nice evening.

woensdag 6 mei 2009

Golden week

Hi, today I am again on my work, didn't got the last two days free of the golden week, want to do some stuff here at the office and need some information.
Also will take some boxes with me the next two day`s hope it will be not so busy in the trains and metro`s.

So what did I do the last 5 day`s?
First I spend some time at my apartment and get all the illness out of my system, (I hope)I feel some better now.
Then I looked up my brother and went to Ueno park. so it was good to see him again and his wife. Most of the time I spent home looking at some TV series (Heroes, House, NCSI Criminal Minds,etc) But I also went out with Alex getting some stuff for my apartment, the most will be delivered at Saturday, and one piece on Sunday, then next month some other stuff will arrive. So it will take some months to get it all.
But I will have the important stuff this weekend.

Then next week I need to pick up my Alien Registration Card.
And need to open a Japanese bank account, after this I need to automatically pay the apartment and the utility bills, then I will have no worries for the next weeks any more, until something else pops up.

So I used the golden week to rest and do some shopping for my apartment.
Still I need to adjust to Japan, it is so different the weather, the work, the living everything.
But I don't regret the step I made coming to Japan, I still cant enjoy the fact that I am now living in Japan but that will come soon I hope, in the next months.

Also need to start with Japanese lessons soon this will make also living easier.

I will attach some photos later, yes i have a new camera, a small one so I can take it with me more often.