vrijdag 3 april 2009

At last it is weekend, my first after a week of work

Here I am siting in a Starbucks at nihonbashi.
I hope to sit here every weekend and write some thing to the blog..

It is now almost 13:00 in Tokyo and the weather is nice..
I found out that this Starbucks is a bunker.. on the lower floors I can connect to the internet with my EM dongle.. So I need to sit upstairs, also my phone will work better here..


I will go out exploring with Alex and Yoko, may look at some housing or talk about the possibilities, here in nihonbaschi. I need some housing because of my alien registration card, to get one I need a address, and I don't want to use the weekly mansion.
Also need to buy some cables for my Dutch laptop and for some of my USB drives, so I don't need so any converter plugs..
Maybe I will look at a 日本語 school here, and I need to find a fitness school so I stay in condition because of all the nice food they have here..

So I hope I will have a nice day today the weather looks good and the sakura is almost at its highest point here in Tokyo..

Living in Japan;

This place I live for the moment nihonbashi is more lively that hatchibori the place where I stayed before.. I going to find place here in the neighborhood because Alex live here and then we can do some thing to together after work, else we must travel to much.
My work is only 30 minutes away from here, I take the hiba line and the sobu line everyday to work, the nice thing is that I change train/metro at Akihabara, this is the place to be for nerd, so before or after work I can hangout there : )

At the office I really like it the first halve week, nice people and my direct collega`s are great, I hope that they keep helping me ども ありがと ごしゃます hope I wrote this correctly : ).
It is a great help to have a Japanese Laptop because writing Japanese is realty easy

I now look window and it is to nice outside to stay here any longer..

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