zaterdag 4 april 2009

wasted after sushi place

I went out today with Alex and I drunk to much sake...
I just logged in because I need to recharge this laptop..
I had a nice day we went to lala port and went to a movie "watchmen" after it we went to a sushi place and I drunk to much sake... sorry .. I am still writing this blog drunk..

lalaport is a nice place.. many shops and good food, but we went back to the fish market to have some sushi, it was very good...
but I had to much sake..
After this we went to a Starbucks but is was close so we went back to nihonbashi, there the Starbucks was still open until 21:00 so we order some coffee..

now I am at my weekly mansion.. it is 21:30 witting this messages, will include photos tomorrow.

had a great evening !!

1 opmerking:

  1. Henri,

    weer nuchter,
    probeer al een paar keer te reageren maar moest eerst nog een account aanmaken. Ben benieuwd of je een betaalbare woning gaat vinden op in de buurt van Nohinbashi.

    Groet, ook van alle mede-cursisten japans

