maandag 6 april 2009

Have found a nice apartment

Yesterday I found a nice apartment, it is expensive but I liked it, I also visited other apartments and this one was the best.
It has a big "mado" (window) and makes the living room bigger.

I hope I can get this apartment...
I need to have a place with some space because we in the west live more at home, as the Japanese, I will try to go more outside but I think, human nature is hard to change after 40 years.
I need to have an apartment that feels like home, so it is easier for me to adjust here in Japan.
I need to relax when I am at home from my busy work, and I cant do this in a small room with small windows, giving the impression of a jail.

So this apartment will cost me a lot of my income but I hope that it pays back, and will give me a feeling of coming home after work.

If everything goes well I can move in around the 18 of April, yes it need to be fast because of all the other stuff I need to do, so this month will be very expensive, and I need to arrange many things.

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