zondag 26 april 2009

ill in Japan

As expected, I was ill for 3 day, Tuesday until Thursday I always get ill for some day when I visit Japan..

I went Friday to work and spent the weekend at home. feel better now but not 100% yet.
Wednesday we are free here and then Alex will return and also my brother and his wive will visit Japan. It the first time for them so I hope they like it here in Japan, they will travel all over Japan for 4 weeks and will stay the first days in Tokyo.
I hope they like it and that they will visit Japan more often.

I now have my springbox mattress (need it for my back pain) and my curtains, I still need some extra curtains but they will come later.

so I hope to order next weekend my electric stuff..

The three day that I was ill I stayed at home and in bed.. was really not well also was sleeping a lot, almost hadden the energy to go to the store to get some food.
I was dizzy, but I survived :)
Hope I will be o.k. for golden week and the weekend so I can explore Tokyo again but now with my brother...

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