zondag 19 april 2009

at last my own apartment.

Hi at last I have a new home.

Saturday I got the key and moved in, I hadn't any stuff so in the morning I went out buying a bed for the new place, the problem was that it will take a week to get a matras so I bought a futon.. I went out with my manager, he helped me.

He also help me with the apartment, so I was lucky that we went out shopping, in the morning, I needed again to sign a lot of papers... Also Alex was at the apartment to help me

But after 1 hour we where done and went eating Dombori (a bowl with sushi and rice) in the neighborhood with the three of us. After this I went out shopping again with my manager... Alex needed to go home.
I bought some bath stuff , water filter and a ceiling light for the bedroom.
Also a curtain for the bedroom.

After this shopping my manager went home and I went to my weekly mansion to get my stuff from there, and cleaned it.
I sleep the first time at my new place on a futon I was afraid that it was to hard (back problem) but it went o.k.

The next day I went again to the weekly mansion and double checked it, and checked out. I didn't feel o.k. so I needed to relax.
I went to Ueno park hope that I would feel better there.. I stay there until 11:00 then went to IOcity and bought a bad rope and some towels.

Then I went home at toke a bad, at 13:00 I meet Alex and when to kiba for some shopping and some food we eat soba at lotus plaza.. after this we went to my place to install the light in the bedroom that was easy..

Then we walked to Alex place, on the street we meet Yoko, Liam and a friend of Yoko.
We when to Alex place where we talked a little, Alex had a meeting later that day, so I went out shopping for some other stuff
I was home a 19:00 then installed internet so I could use my laptop. Watched "uitzending gemist" after this I looked at NCIS and 24..
So there was a little feeling of home...

I still need some curtains for the living room, I hope to have them this week...
We need order these by internet because of the size...

The strange thing was that I still didn't feel 100% .. : (
Maybe stress, of these busy day`s..

After some hours watching some stuff I went to bed, because at 7:00 the alarm will go for the next work day.

1 opmerking:

  1. Henri

    gefelicteerd met je appartement, een eigen plek in den vreemde is erg belangrijk. Ik begrijp dat je dicht bij Alex woont wat zeker een voordeel is. Ben benieuwd naar de afmetingen. Hoor wel van je
    groet, Peter
